Operation: Rainbow

Operation: Rainbow

Quick message for a busy Monday – and it’s a #DoubleDogDare so you really don’t have a choice, right?!

In the next hour (or as soon as you get a chance) be the rainbow in someone’s cloud. OK? Make somebody’s day brighter or more joyful. Look around, there are PLENTY of folks who could use a reason to smile – so BE that reason! And, as I mentioned, it is a Double Dog Dare!

And you know why I assign this sort of mission, don’t you?

Exactly! Because when you start looking for people whose mood could use a boost, your mood gets a boost too. So let’s go, rainbow!

For extra credit, feel free to write about your efforts here! Gotta run!

2 thoughts on “Operation: Rainbow”

  1. Thanks for this important lesson and the dare. So here is my experience. Today I was at the gym and there is a woman with parkinson’s disease who comes everyday to strengthen her body. She fights very hard to walk on the treadmill and use the weights. Today she almost fell, but she got up and kept going, but still, I could see the discouragement, fear and pain on her face. I got off of the elliptical machine and went over to her to see if she was okay. thankfully she was, and she got moving again on her treadmill I told her how much I admire her courage and determination. I told her she was a “Warrior” and an “Inspiration”, which she is. She denied this of course saying, “nah, I am just doing what I have to”, but she smiled. And before I walked away, I said it again and pointed at her, “Warrior”. It touched her and It touched a deep place in me too. 🙂

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